Kefir – a quick tutorial

I have been asked to put together a tutorial on how I make kefir.  Understand I am no expert.  I have read a lot and have a lot to read.  My favorite site to learn from: Dom’s  He covers just about anything you could want to know, in detail.

When I found out about kefir, and I don’t even know how that came about now that I am thinking about it, I was fascinated that I could take raw milk and these ancient cultures and make a totally awesome drink, on my counter with little effort and get a yummy liquid that I can do so many things with. Kefir is like yogurt on steroids & a hundred times easier to make.  Then when I read more I found out how to make kefir creamy and thick, like a yogurt/mousse! Kefir is great for lactose intolerant folks,  little to no sugar, has fiber, vitamins & minerals … here I will insert some paragraphs followed by the link they came from …

**The word “kefir” is derived from the Turkish word “keif”, which literally translates to the “good feeling” one has after drinking it. (1) Traditional cultures have attributed healing powers to kefir for centuries, but it has only recently become the subject of scientific research to determine its true therapeutic value**  Chris Kresser L. AC



I T. milk kefir

1 quart fresh raw milk

  1. Place milk kefir grains in the bottom of a clean mason jar. Cover with 1 quart fresh milk.
  2. Very loosely, place the lid and band on the mason jar. You do not want to tighten it because, as with all fermentation, carbon dioxide is created and needs to escape. Culture for 24 – 48 hours at room temperature. For a for a thin, mild kefir you can culture for 12 hours.
  3. Once culturing is complete, strain milk kefir into a new mason jar, cap and refrigerate. Begin reculturing a new batch of kefir, if desired or allow your kefir grains to rest in water in the refrigerator for a few days until you’re ready to make kefir again.**  Nourished Kitchen


** Furthermore, “Kefir’s active yeast and bacteria provide more nutritive value than yogurt by helping digest the foods that you eat and by keeping the colon environment clean and healthy.
Because the curd size of kefir is smaller than yogurt, it is also easier to digest, which makes it a particularly excellent, nutritious food for babies, the elderly and people experiencing chronic fatigue and digestive disorders.”(3) **

Some more links for you to visit:  National Kefir Association  *  
Now how to make kefir –  or how I do anyway

Now, any photos that look yellowish  is due to lighting.  Kefir is white and is a creamy color while fermenting, for me anyway but that could be the cream in our milk?  Anyway I love this stuff.  It fills you up, keeps you regular and is so good for you I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t try it and continue on with it.  There are always healthy ways to dress it up to get past the tang if it’s not your flavor. You can also ferment vegetable & fruits in Kefir, but I haven’t got that far with it.

Here is a link that gives you 16 different ways to use your whey   and one for making  a traditional ricotta cheese from whey.  Hopefully I did this well enough that it’s easy to understand.  If it is not please let me know and if you have  Questions?  ASK!! 🙂


4 thoughts on “Kefir – a quick tutorial

  1. Nice Nice tutorial Michelle! A friend gifted me some kefir grains. I am amazed in our hear that it doesn’t even take 12 hours for things to get thick and separate. How long do you think you could store strained kefir in the fridge? I am sure your doesn’t last that long, but I have found if I do this everyday, there comes a point where I have way )or whey) too much. I finally just stuck a fresh jar of milk with the grains in it in the fridge, but I need to pull it out and get it going again. I never knew you could (or should?) store your grains in water in the fridge. I was storing it in milk.

    • Emily,
      I find the same thing to be true, it gets to be to much. I found that letting it ferment longer and making the thickets stuff kinda slows things down for me. I figure it’s good in the fridge for at least 2 weeks (that’s using raw milk) if not longer.
      I don’t know about the water/milk storage.
      There is so much to learn! and try!
      Glad you liked the tutorial Emily 🙂
      Have a quality day!

  2. Hi I have made goat cheeses and ricota. would love to try this, where did you get your first ancient cultures?

    • Hey Susan, I don’t know how “ancient” MY cultures are lol but I got them from a lady in KC. She has had hers for 4 years plus & they have only been in raw milk from a farm so that was a plus for me! I didn’t want any that might have been in anything else. Maybe that doesn’t matter but it was important to me.

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